What marketers need to know about Zepeto, the Korean metaverse platform

As virtual-world platforms such as Roblox and Fortnite attract the lion’s share of both users and advertising dollars, the Korean-owned app Zepeto has quietly staked its own claim to a corner of the metaverse.

The metaverse might be a few hype cycles past — but gaming platforms have continued to expand the capabilities of their immersive, three-dimensional worlds, with the “big three” of Roblox, Fortnite and Minecraft dominating much of the conversation. 

Nipping at the heels of the major players is the Seoul-based Zepeto. The app, which describes itself as an “immersive avatar-based social universe,” has a total user base of over 400 million registered accounts and a monthly active user count of 20 million. Last week, Zepeto partnered with Walmart to launch the platform’s first-ever e-commerce experience for physical goods. 

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